April 18, 2012

Vulnerability in Times of Temptation

I am just loving this woman and her vulnerability! So much of what she posts and speaks is so relatable for me. Having gone through many of the same things she has in her life, I am just so encouraged by her honesty.

While, my blog is about being truly me and vulnerable, I don't expect everyone to air their dirty laundry all over the place unless you are comfortable and led to do so. But, I will say, there is such power in sharing our struggles, shortcomings, joys, highs, lows, etc.

When we can be vulnerable and real we are so much more approachable. Our life can be such an example to so many if we will allow it. I am so encouraged when I can read or hear that someone has gone through or is currently struggling with a similar struggle that I am or have.

Vulnerability is about leaning on each other, encouraging another, not judging each other. It's about admitting the truth. Admitting what you are going through. And holding one another up.

We fear vulnerability because we fear rejection.

God accepts you as you are. So be vulnerable and let Him use you!

Today I read this post from Tricia Goyer and was so encouraged. That's what being vulnerable does, it helps you feel a sense of norm in the midst of your struggle, which in turn makes you feel comfort vs struggling alone. When we can open up, we can find partners in our struggles. Friends whom we can lift one another up. Armor bearers. More times than not, when you say "this is what I am going through" to a trusted friend, they will tell you a similar thing they are going through or have gone through. It just works that way.

In Tricia's post she asks What about you? What advice would you give? Or if you found yourself attracted to someone already married (or someone other than your spouse), what did/would you do?

(You have to read her post to understand the advice :)) The advice I would give is of course to pray. Pray for strength. Pray for that person. Turn your struggle into prayer time & some big time one on one with God. Focus on the solution which is being strong & resisting temptation. Knowing your feelings can be common and normal, but not letting that be a license to give in to temptation.  Resisting the urge to give in & knowing that flirting with lines in marriage are not okay. Make boundaries. Limit your time around that person. What we feed grows and what we starve dies. We make vows, commitments, & promises not to break them, but to fulfill them and continue fighting for them. Feed your marriage, starve your temptation. (And that goes for any temptation)

I love when Tricia says "If those feelings are there don't dwell on them. When you are near him and feel those feeling emerging, start praying for this man's marriage and family, as hard as it can be".  I would add, maybe he's not married, maybe you both are, or maybe just you are...so Pray for your marriage and family. Pray for him that God would bring him a godly wife & for his walk with God. But don't dwell on temptations. Focus on the solution.  Bringing everything to God. Count your blessings and don't believe the lie that the grass is greener on the other side. Even if it appears pretty plump & green.

Lastly, don't suffer in silence. Tell someone your struggle. Whatever it is. Lean on someone you can trust. 

1 comment:

Cristin said...

Amazing how well timed things can be. Totally needed to read this today. Thanks Laura :)